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ISIAS Accident on the site and loss of numerous articles

mardi 26 mai 2015, par Rédaction d’ISIAS

ISIAS Accident on the site and loss of numerous articles
Thursday, May 26, 2015 by ISIAS

Early May 2015, we suffered an unexplained accident on our site ISIAS and all texts posted after November 2013 were lost : this accident, reduced dramatically our site content and visitors number dropped from about 90 000 to about 26 000 !.

We did everything we could to repair it but without success. So we’ll have everything back online but it is an enormous task. Thank you for your understanding and your support.

The Team ISIAS (Introduce Science and Integrate it into Alternative Societies ) [Among other thinks, French vector of most ISIS scientific papers and reports]. Jacques Hallard.}}}